Portal FAQ

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FAQ for using the My Impact volunteer portal

Q. How do I access the portal?

A. There are two ways. You may use either or both:

Q. What is my username or password?

A. Initial usernames were emailed to current NET & BEECN volunteers on 2022.06.09. It was formatted like PBEMVOL-###. You might have changed it to something only you know. If you cannot remember, use the Forgot your username or password? link on MyImpactPage.com

Q. I don't like new things. How can I access the old system?

Is any man afraid of change? Why what can take place without change?
What then is more pleasing or more suitable to the universal nature?
And canst thou take a bath unless the wood undergoes a change?
And canst thou be nourished, unless the food undergoes a change?
And can anything else that is useful be accomplished without change?
Dost thou not see then that for thyself also to change is just the same, and equally necessary for the universal nature?

-Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations, Book Seven

Or put more simply: You cannot. The old system is gone.