Portal FAQ

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How do I access the MyImpactPage.com (MIP) portal?

A. It depends on the device you are using.

  • In your desktop or laptop web browser, go to MyImpactPage.com
  • On a smartphone or tablet, MyImpactPage.mobi looks better.
  • You also may install the My Impact app for Android or Apple which has cool features like three-tap, 'time clock' tracking.
  • All of these options may be used to suit your convenience. You are not required to choose only one.

What are my username and password for my first login?

A. If you applied after June 2023, you chose your own login and password.

If we moved you over from the old system, you may receive your username this way:

  1. Go to MIP: MyImpactPage.com
  2. Click Forgot username or password.
  3. Select I forgot my username.
  4. Enter your email address we have on record.
  5. The system will email your username, then you can follow the instructions to ‘reset’ your password and log in. (If the email does not arrive within a couple minutes, please check your spam/junk folder.)

I do not see NET/BEECN/PBEM info when I log in. What's up?

This almost always means you already have a profile with another organization that also uses MIP. (They might call it Volunteer Impact.) Instructions to merge your profiles is here. Your NET profile is associated with the organization Portland Bureau of Emergency Management.

How do I sign up for trainings, meetings, deployments, etc.?

  • Website: Opportunities tab > scroll down to list > click title > +Sign Up. Or use the calendar view to access scheduled events only. Unscheduled items look like this:
Screen cap of the Schedule screen, depicting the Sign Up button
  • App: Opportunities > Select the item you want > Sign up

The Deployment or Training Opportunity I want is full. What can I do?

If a Deployment is full, that means the need has been satisfied and additional NETs should not respond. Thank you for your willingness to help, but your fellow volunteers already have it covered.

If a Training is full, there might be a back-up list button, depending on the specific event.

MIP Opportunity Back-up List Button

If you click this button, you will be added to the back-up list for all shifts schedule for that Opportunity. This accomplishes two things:

1) If a registrant cancels their slot, we step through the backup list in order, offering the specific new opening to each person one at a time to see if it fits their schedule.

2) Back-up Lists help PBEM informally gauge the demand for trainings. The longer the back-up list is, the more likely we are to repeat the opportunity.

(Items with no capacity limit do not have a Back-up List.)

How do I log my time?

You have your choice of three ways.

  • Website: Hours tab > Select Activity > Enter time
  • Using the app
    • in real time: Use the Start Clock button on the main page, select the activity, tap Start Clock again. Remember to hit Stop Clock when finished!
    • after service: Taps Logging > Hours > Portland Bureau of Emergency Management > then select the activity and make your entry
  • Please note that time is never automatically logged for scheduled events. That provides you the ability to add travel and prep time, and also ensures that time is not erroneously logged for people who sign up but do not attend an event.
  • For categories where the date of service is not too important, such as Advanced Training or Program Service, it is OK to aggregate time into a single periodic entry. For categories where the data matters very much for reconciliation and indemnification -- like Deployment, Team Meetings, and Exercise -- please do tag those entries with the correct date(s).

I do not see my Activity listed. Where is it?

By default MIP lists your Recent activities for quick access. And periodically we archive past Activities to declutter the list. You can still log time for past/inactive Activities from the longer lists.

  • On the website, simply use the Active or Inactive buttons to change the drop-down list:
In the MIP Hours screen, select Active or Inactive to access the longer lists of Activities.
In the MIP Hours screen, select Active or Inactive to access the longer lists of Activities.
  • In the app, use 'Activity Search', and then 'Include inactive activities in search':
    The MyImpact App 'Log Hours' screen
    The MyImpact App 'Log Hours' screen

How do I edit or delete a previous time entry?

You can edit an entry for 24 hours after its start time, regardless of when you enter it. There are technical reasons for this limit that actually make sense, but we won't bore you here. If you need an entry corrected or deleted, simply email the Activity date and correction/deletion instruction to net@portlandoregon.gov

I don't like new things. How can I access the old system?

You cannot. The old system was permanently retired in December 2021.

Is any person afraid of change? Why what can take place without change?
What then is more pleasing or more suitable to the universal nature?

-Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations, Book Seven

How do I get certifications added to my MIP profile?

  1. Log in to MIP.
  2. Select My Profile.
  3. Select Additional Info.
  4. Next to the appropriate field, choose the Select button and upload your PDF file.
  5. You're done! PBEM reviews and accepts certificate uploads in batches. When that happens, your new certificate(s) will automatically be noted in your profile page. We will not notify you, because none of us want more silly, transactional emails, do we?

How do I upload a new ID photo?

See ID Photos.

Qualifications & VSFs

This section is accurate but incomplete, and will be integrated into the Volunteer Support Functions Introduction and Directory.

Qualifications are directly related to the 16 Volunteer Support Functions (VSFs). VSFs are categories into which NETs' skills and training are classified for the purpose of identifying cadres of volunteers suitable for specific deployments. In addition to streamlining emergency ops, VSFs also guide the trainings we offer, and support your natural path to skill specialization(s). No one can be an expert at everything!

Some Potential NET Volunteer Support Function (VSF) Qualifications and Training Paths
VSF VSF Name Level Qualification Online In-person Suggested Training
VSF01 Transportation 10 Traffic Control Watch the NET Training Video and participate in a PBEM-initiated down power line deployment, vaccine clinic traffic control, etc. (Do not self deploy to down power lines!)
VSF01 Transportation 20 CoP (City of Portland) Certified Driver [Not currently available] Driver background check + two-hour procotorer online training + skid car training
VSF02 Communications 10 Amateur Radio Obtain an FCC Amateur Radio License
VSF02 Communications 20 ARES/RACES Become an active member of MCARES (Multnomah County Amateur Radio Emergency Services)
VSF02 Communications 30 NET ARO Trained Complete NET ARO (Amateur Radio Operator) certification
VSF03 Infrastructure & Sanitation [Pending]
VSF04 Utilities & Fire Suppression 10 Wire Down Watch the NET Training Video and deploy for a PBEM-initiated down power line deployment (Do not self deploy to down power lines -- call 911!)
VSF05 Response Planning 10 IS100 FEMA online: Introduction to the Incident Command System - 2 hours
VSF05 Response Planning 20 IS200 FEMA online: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response - 4 hours
VSF05 Response Planning 30 IS315 FEMA online: CERT and the Incident Command System - 2 hours
VSF05 Response Planning 40 IS700 FEMA online: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System - 3.5 hours
VSF05 Response Planning 50 IS703 FEMA online: National Incident Management System Resource Management - 3.5 hours
VSF05 Response Planning 60 IS800 FEMA online: National Response Framework, An Introduction - 3 hours
VSF05 Response Planning 70 ICS-300 Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents - 18 hours/3 days

Available in-person through various sponsoring agencies; not currently offered by PBEM.

VSF05 Response Planning 80 ICS-400 Enhanced Incident Command System - 14-16 hours/2 days

Available in-person through various sponsoring agencies; not currently offered by PBEM.

VSF06 Mass Care & Shelter 10 IS366 FEMA online: Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters - 6 hours

or equivalent

VSF06 Mass Care & Shelter 20 Severe Weather Shelter (SWS) Training Inline and in-person options are made available periodically by PBEM and Multnomah County. Available options are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin when scheduled.
VSF06 Mass Care & Shelter 30 Severe Weather Shelter (SWS) Deployment Deploy at a severe weather shelter.

With additional training, repeated deployments in increasingly responsible roles, and approval of Multnomah County Health staff, volunteers can eventually serve as a PIC (Person in Charge).

VSF07 Logistics 10 Contact Tracing [Pending]
VSF08 Medical 10 CPR/AED/First Aid certification Certification classes are
VSF08 Medical 20 Helping Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Various online and in-person options, announced in the weekly NET Bulletin
VSF08 Medical 30 Wilderness First Aid (WFA) 3-day class. Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin.

For-fee classes are also available through other certifying organizations.

VSF08 Medical 40 Wilderness First Responder (WFR) 10-day field class. Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin.

For-fee classes are also available through other certifying organizations.

VSF08 Medical 50 Medical Professional Provide a copy of, or link to, your Medical License.
VSF08 Medical - Advanced Bleeding Control Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin.

For-fee classes are also available through other certifying organizations.

Also known as Stop the Bleed.

VSF08 Medical - Psyche 10 De-escalation Training Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin.
VSF08 Medical - Psyche 20 Mental Health First Aid (MFHA) Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin.

For-fee classes are also available through other certifying organizations.

VSF08 Medical - Psyche 30 Crisis Counseling Provide a copy of, or link to, your certification
VSF09 Search & Rescue 10 Basic NET Training (BNT) All Active NETs are qualified after completing their Final Field Exercise (FFE)
VSF09 Search & Rescue 20 Knots (Basic) Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin.
VSF09 Search & Rescue 30 Knots (Advanced) Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin.

Other experience may qualify you to pass the skills demonstration test.

VSF10 HAZMAT Awareness 10 IS0005 FEMA online: An Introduction to Hazardous Materials - 10 hours
VSF10 HAZMAT Awareness 20 PBEM Training
VSF10 HAZMAT Awareness 30 HAZWOPER Certification Not offered by PBEM. Available through various certifying organizations.
VSF11 Food & Water 10 Food Handler Card Not offered by PBEM. Available through certifying organizations for approximately $10; see the Oregon Health Authority website.
VSF12 Light & Power [Pending]
VSF14 Public Information Speakers Bureau Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin.
VSF15 Volunteers & Donations 10 IS240 FEMA online: Leadership and Influence - 3 hours
VSF15 Volunteers & Donations 20 IS241 FEMA online: Decision Making and Problem Solving - 2 hours
VSF15 Volunteers & Donations 30 IS242 FEMA online: Effective Communication - 8 hours
VSF15 Volunteers & Donations 40 IS244 FEMA online: Developing and Managing Volunteers - 4 hours
VSF15 Volunteers & Donations 50 Team Leader Training Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin.
VSF17 Animal Response 10 Animal Sheltering/Response Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin. Classes typically require 8 hours.
VSF17 Animal Response 20 TTT (Train as a Trainer) Opportunities are announced in the weekly NET Bulletin. Classes typically require 3 hours.
VSF18 Business Resilience [Pending]