NET color palettes
Color Name
Color Model Values
50% lighter
NET Orange
0,79,95,0 / 211,93,48 / #d35d30
7,35,37,0 / 233,174,151 / #e9ae97
NET Orange is the primary color for the NET program and relied upon to signify NET's brand. When only one color will do for a NET project, make it this one.
PBEM Yellow
1,25,99,0 / 236,191,51 / #ecbf33
41,78,95,27 / 114,69,45 / #72452d
26,36,39,0 / 191,161,147 / #bfa193
Volunteer Support Function Emblem
All icons designed by Hugh Newell.
The red background is:
CMYK 19, 94, 86, 8
HEX #bc3134
RGB 188, 49, 52
Volunteer Support Function
Volunteer Support Function
VSF 01: Transportation
VSF 09: Search and Rescue
VSF 02: Communications
VSF 10: Safety Officer
VSF 03: Infrastructure/Sanitation
VSF 11: Food
VSF 04: Utilities/Fire Suppression
VSF 12: Light and Power
VSF 05: Planning/Command
VSF 14: Public Information
VSF 06: Mass Care/Shelter
VSF 15: Volunteers/Donations Management
VSF 07: Logistics
VSF 17: Animal Response
VSF 08: Medical
VSF 18: Business Resilience
Voting District Icons and Palettes
Primary icon
Variant Icon
Color 100%
Color 50% tint
Color 25% tint
District 1
Purple Rain
HEX: #993f90
RGB: 153, 63, 144
HEX: #cc9fc8
RGB: 204, 159, 200
HEX: #e6cfe3
RGB: 230, 207, 227
District 2
Salmon Red
HEX: #e5412c
RGB: 229, 65, 44
HEX: #f2a096
RGB: 242, 160, 150
HEX: #f9d0ca
RGB: 249, 208, 202
District 3
Leaf Green
HEX: #30b457
RGB: 48, 180, 87
HEX: #98daab
RGB: 152, 218, 171
HEX: #cbecd5
RGB: 203, 236, 213
District 4
Yellow Rose
HEX: #ffe01a
RBG: 255, 224, 26
HEX: #fff08d
RGB: 255, 240, 141
HEX: #fff7c6
RGB: 255, 247, 198