Background Checks

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When do I need to request a background check?

Never. :-)

  • Trainees will be contacted by PBEM at the appropriate time when their background check must be completed. Typically this is just before becoming an Active volunteer, near the end of Basic NET Training or after BEECN training.
  • Active volunteers will be notified by PBEM when their check expires and must be renewed.

Background check requirement policy

Portland NET and BEECN training is open to everyone, regardless of past offense records; no one will be barred from taking basic training. However, persons whose record includes conviction(s) for a felony, sex crime that requires registration, stalking offense, person crime misdemeanor committed less than ten years ago, or non-person misdemeanor committed less than three years ago may not be certified as a NET/BEECN volunteer and permitted to join a team.

In compliance with City code, all Active BEECN and NET volunteers are required to complete a criminal background check every three years because they come into contact with vulnerable populations, use city-owned equipment, and have access to sensitive information. There are three ways to satisfy this requirement:

  1. Email PBEM a scan or verification link to a license or permit that requires a criminal background check. Examples include a medical license, a TSA Trusted Traveler ID, or a concealed weapon permit.
  2. Email PBEM a copy of a criminal background check conducted by a third party within the past 18 months, like an employer. We might need to verify the check with the organization who conducted it.
  3. Use our background check service at no cost to you by emailing us that you want 'option 3' and PBEM will initiate the process through our third-party service provider, Sterling Volunteers. It is done entirely online and results are usually returned within two days. You receive a copy for your own review and use. Please see PBEM-provided background check below.

PBEM-provided background check

If you choose to have your background check run by PBEM, you will receive an invitation to complete the process from our third-party provider, Sterling Volunteers. Some of the language you encounter in that process might be confusing, so to clarify:

  1. You will be prompted to set up an account with Sterling. This enables you to view your background check results and optionally share them with other organizations that use Sterling, at no cost to you.
  2. You are not required to ‘set up security questions’, but you may if you like.
  3. You will be required to enter your Social Security Number. This is used by Sterling only for automated address verification. The City never receives or stores your SSN, and cannot use it for any other purpose. To be perfectly blunt, PBEM does not want the liability of possessing your SSN, which is one of the reasons we use this specialized service.
  4. You will see references to FCRA, the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This Federal law dictates the disclosures required for PBEM to obtain your consent. The name is misleading: We DO NOT check your credit, and we DO NOT report any findings to anyone outside the City of Portland government. Your credit rating is not relevant to your volunteer service, and cannot be viewed nor affected as part of this criminal background check.

Additional questions

If your question is not answered above, please email us.