Background Checks

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Wrestler robbing a store
Knocking off a convenience store dressed as a luchador with several ostriches as accomplices will endear you in our hearts but is not likely to encourage your volunteer application. Unless you didn't get caught, of course.

Policy Summary: Background Checks

PBEM volunteers often come into contact with vulnerable populations during a deployment, and volunteers have access to government-owned equipment and sensitive information. Therefore, PBEM requires all registered volunteers (NET, BEECN, and ATV) to undertake a criminal background check. The criminal background check is conducted at PBEM's expense, and completed every three years.

The background check is only on a volunteer's criminal record. PBEM conducts no credit history or credit background check.

Effective date September 15, 2012[1]
Last revised March 3, 2025
Policy owner PBEM Community Preparedness Team
Author(s) Carmen Merlo (PBEM); Matthew Silva (PF&R); Jeremy Van Keuren (PBEM); Glenn Devitt (PBEM).



Reason for Policy

There are several reasons for running a criminal background check on PBEM volunteers:

  • Public trust and safety: PBEM volunteers work directly with the public during emergencies, sometimes interacting with vulnerable populations, such as seniors, children, and individuals with disabilities. A background check helps ensure the safety and trustworthiness of those serving in this role.
  • Access to sensitive information, areas, and publicly owned equipment: Some PBEM volunteers assist emergency services, gain access to restricted areas, or gain access to critical infrastructure. PBEM volunteers may also use publicly owned equipment. Background checks help mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or misuse of information or equipment.
  • City liability and risk management: Background checks reduce the risk of liability for the City of Portland. If an unvetted volunteer were to cause harm, it could lead to legal and reputational consequences for the volunteer program and the City.
  • Screening for criminal history: Prior convictions for violent crimes, sexual offenses, or fraud may indicate someone is not a good fit for a public-facing emergency role.
  • Protecting other PBEM volunteers and staff: PBEM volunteers and staff operate in high stress environments and rely on trust and teamwork. Ensuring that all members have been vetted can enhance team cohesion and accountability.

Criminal background checks for emergency management volunteers is consistent with other public safety and emergency personnel policies.

Policy Statement

Portland NET and BEECN training is open to everyone, regardless of past offense records; no one will be barred from taking basic training. However, persons whose record includes conviction(s) for a felony, sex crime that requires registration, stalking offense, person crime misdemeanor committed less than ten years ago, or non-person misdemeanor committed less than three years ago may not be certified as a PBEM volunteer and permitted to join a team. In compliance with City code, all Active BEECN and NET volunteers are required to complete a criminal background check every three years.

PBEM does not preserve the details of criminal background checks, and any information obtained through the check is deleted/destroyed after use.


This policy applies to all PBEM volunteers (NET or ATV) and all prospective PBEM volunteers.


Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM)
Pays for any required criminal background check a volunteer or prospective volunteer is subject to, evaluates and makes decisions about policy exceptions, tracks currency of volunteers' criminal background check and ensures that they are renewed every three years from the date of a volunteer's activation.
PBEM volunteers and prospective volunteers ("trainees")
Completes any procedures associated with fulfilling criminal background check requirements.


Term Definition
Crime (felony or misdemeanor) An illegal activity/offense as defined in ORS §161.

Implementation Details

There are three ways to satisfy the background check requirement.

  1. Email PBEM a scan or verification link to a license or permit that requires a criminal background check. Examples include a medical license, a TSA Trusted Traveler ID, or a concealed weapon permit. The license or permit issue date must be no more than three years prior to the volunteer's activation date.
  2. Email PBEM a copy of a criminal background check conducted by a third party within the past 18 months, such as an employer. We might need to verify the check with the organization who conducted it. PBEM does not need a detailed criminal background report. PBEM only needs confirmation that a criminal background check was conducted and that the volunteer passed it.
  3. Use PBEM's background check service at no cost to the volunteer by emailing PBEM that you want 'option 3' and PBEM will initiate the process through our third-party service provider, Sterling Volunteers. It is done entirely online and results are usually returned within two days. You may opt to receive a copy for your own review and use during the application process. Please see below for the PBEM-provided background check process.

PBEM-provided background check process

If you choose to have your background check run by PBEM, you will receive an invitation to complete the process from our third-party provider, Sterling Volunteers. Some of the language you encounter in that process might be confusing, so to clarify:

  1. You will be prompted to set up an account with Sterling. This enables you to view your background check results and optionally share them with other organizations that use Sterling, at no cost to you.
  2. You are not required to ‘set up security questions’, but you may if you like.
  3. You will be required to enter your Social Security Number. This is used by Sterling only for automated address verification. The City never receives or stores your SSN, and cannot use it for any other purpose. To be perfectly blunt, PBEM does not want the liability of possessing your SSN, which is one of the reasons we use this specialized service.
  4. You will see references to FCRA, the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This Federal law dictates the disclosures required for PBEM to obtain your consent. The name is misleading: We DO NOT check your credit, and we DO NOT report any findings to anyone outside the City of Portland government. Your credit rating is not relevant to your volunteer service, and cannot be viewed nor affected as part of this criminal background check.


Prospective volunteers who do not complete or cooperate with the criminal background check process will not matriculate as active volunteers. They will languish in a strange limbo status where the shadows are long, the meals taste of sawdust, and the birds will not sing their names.

Related Information


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: When do I request a background check?

A: Never! PBEM will contact prospective volunteers at the appropriate time when their background check must be completed. Typically this is just before becoming an Active volunteer, near the end of Basic NET Training or after BEECN training. Active volunteers will be notified by PBEM when their check expires and must be renewed.

Q: I joined a Basic NET/Basic BEECN class but nobody has asked me for a record check. Why?

A: In order to keep costs down, PBEM runs background checks on prospective volunteers when all other activation requirements are met for a volunteer (e.g. completion of basic training). PBEM has complete discretion concerning the timing of running a volunteer's criminal record check.

Q: What if I was accused of a crime but not convicted?

A: We are concerned only with a crime or crimes you were convicted of, not accused of. Being accused of a crime does not obstruct a prospective volunteer from activation as a PBEM volunteer.

Q: I am accused of a crime but the case is in process. Can I volunteer?

A: Yes, you can still volunteer with PBEM. However, if a conviction is handed down and the offense meets policy thresholds for barring you from activating as a PBEM volunteer, PBEM will revoke your Active status regardless whether you intend to appeal. If the conviction is reversed on appeal, PBEM will re-activate you as a volunteer upon your request.

Q: Does your background check discover juvenile offenses?

A: No.

Q: What if I have a conviction I think was unjust?

A: We almost never make exceptions to this policy, but they are not unheard of. If you feel your situation justifies an exception, PBEM Community Preparedness staff can have a conversation with you about it (note that those conversations must include a minimum of two staff persons). Community Preparedness staff will evaluate your claim and decide whether a policy exception is warranted. If the exception is denied, the petitioner may appeal to the Director of the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management for a final decision.

Q: Does a poor driving record count in the criminal background check?

A: Infractions (such as most speeding tickets) are immaterial in our criminal background check. If that were not the case, PBEM would have to fire Jeremy. However, a select few NET volunteers are certified as drivers for the bureau. A volunteer prospectively assigned to that detail will have their driving record evaluated with the volunteer's permission.

If your question is not answered above, please email us.

Notes and References

  1. This policy probably goes farther back than the date indicated, but the actual date is lost.