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PBEM understands that the cost of childcare can be a barrier to volunteering. So we have partnered with the nonprofit organization Politisit, who will reimburse up to $200/month for childcare while volunteers attend certain PBEM trainings and events. We realize this is not a perfect solution because it requires volunteers to go out-of-pocket, and it probably does not cover the total cost of care for all four days of Basic NET Training. However, this is the best arrangement we have been able to establish so far while remaining compliant with city finance rules.

How It Works

  1. Tell Politisit you wish to enroll in their service by filling out this one-time application form. Politisit will let you know whether you are approved.
  2. Register normally for the NET event(s) you want to attend. See the list of currently approved events below. Event registration is usually done in MyImpactPage or through a community partner organization, because PBEM must have a record of your attendance.
  3. Fill out this event request form at least 72 hours before the event. Politisit will let you know if they can fund your request.
  4. Make arrangements with the childcare provider of your choice.
  5. Attend the event.
  6. After the event, send Politisit documentation of event attendance and they will reimburse your childcare costs via Paypal or check.

Currently Approved Events

The events for which PBEM currently has approved childcare through Politisit are:

For specific PBEM events not listed here for which you need childcare, please contact us at

More Information About Politisit

For more information about the organization's very cool mission and people, visit

If you do not need childcare but would like to make a tax-deductible donation to help fund other volunteers' needs, go here!

Important Fine Print

PBEM does not handle money, cannot directly reimburse volunteers, and will not manage arrangements you make with Politisit. We have established this partnership to assist volunteers, but have no fiduciary control over decisions and payments.