BEECN Equipment Caches - Placement

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a. The location of a BEECN cache is NOT public information. It is information that should be known only to, and kept confidential by: PBEM, a hosting property owner, and volunteers responsible for the cache. All persons who know the location of a cache or have possession of a BEECN profile should treat the information as confidential.

b. Optimally, a BEECN cache is secured in an indoor location that volunteers have access to in the event of a deployment. An indoor location’s structure should be reasonably expected to endure a major earthquake sufficiently that volunteers can recover the cache safely.

c. The property on which a BEECN cache is stowed may be a school, a business, a place of worship, or a private residence. In any situation for deployments and exercises, volunteers should act as guests and take care not to damage the premises or (during drills and exercises) interrupt other activities on the site. Volunteers will defer to the authority of a property owner, or the owner’s representative.

d. The agreement between a property owner who hosts a cache and PBEM is written into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).