
Portland NET In The Media: Difference between revisions

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== Canned Messaging ==
==== Canned message to promote Basic NET classes ====
''The Portland Bureau of Emergency Management and Portland Fire & Rescue invite you and your neighbors to train as a Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) volunteer!''
''Did you know that in a disaster 90 to 95 percent of all people rescued are rescued by their neighbors, NOT by professional first responders? The Portland NET program will train you on the basic skills you need to be a neighborhood hero after a disaster, and to do it safely. Your instructors are Portland Fire & Rescue firefighters and emergency response professionals. You will learn search and rescue, basic medical response to treat injuries, radio communications, disaster psychology, and much more.''
''NET volunteers are:''
* ''Prepared to be self-sufficient for two weeks during any emergency;''
* ''Able to provide emergency assistance to their family and immediate neighbors;''
* ''Able to work within an emergency response team to save lives and property in their neighborhood;''
* ''Able to guide untrained volunteers who want to help others in the aftermath of a disaster.''
''Graduating from Basic NET Training also gives you access to advanced training opportunities, such as certifying for Wilderness First Aid, emergency animal sheltering, amateur radio communications, and more!''
''Schedule:  ((schedule))''
'''''Cost:''''' ''Training is FREE. You are asked to purchase your own response equipment, which is around $100. If you find that challenging to afford right now, we will provide equipment to you. We can also provide FREE childcare through our friends at Politisit.''