PBEM Volunteer Position Descriptions

From WikiNET


Position Description Components

Position ID

The position ID indicates which VSF a position is assigned to, what subsection of the VSF, and the position's formal title.


Indicates by date the last time anything in the position description was changed.


Indicates by date when the position was first released and published.

Lead Agency

Indicates which government agency is responsible for the recruitment, training, deployment, and management of volunteers taking this position. This will usually be the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM), but some positions may report to Multnomah County or another agency.

NET Certification Required?

Indicates whether a volunteer filling this position needs to possess NET certification in good standing.

Cycle Position

Indicates whether the position has a disaster preparedness role, a response role, a recovery role, or a combination of those three on the Disaster Management Cycle. For example, someone confirmed to provide mental health first aid would have a response role. However, those skills are also needed during the Recovery phase of a disaster.

It is important to note that this portion of the Position Description does not commit a volunteer to a specific part of the Disaster Management Cycle. It only indicates what the possibilities are.

Time Commitment

Indicates how many hours (usually in a month) a volunteer assigned to this position typically spends preparing, training, and/or carrying out their role.

Position Summary

A position summary that describes why the position is important and the general expectations of it.


Indicates who a volunteer in this position reports to.


A list of ideal qualities and knowledge that a candidate for the volunteer position possesses. However, the purpose of listing them is to give volunteers a better idea of the expectations associated with the role. They are not intended as prescriptive.

Required Training

The completion of any training required in order to be deployable for this volunteer position.

Optional Training/Info Resources

Training that is not required, but would improve a volunteer's knowledge/skills/abilities for the position.

Licenses and Certifications

Any licenses or certifications required or recommended for this volunteer position.


Indicates how often a volunteer must renew training and/or knowledge up to date in order to be deployable in this volunteer position.

Task Book

If a task book is available for this volunteer position, it will be linked here. Not every position has a task book.