ATV Policy Template Test

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Revision as of 12:51, 16 December 2024 by (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Policy Title == Affiliated Team Volunteer (ATV) Policy == Policy No. == [Assign Policy Number Here] == Type of Policy == Administrative == Effective Date == [Month Year] == Last Revised == [Month Year] == Policy Owner == Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) == Policy Contact == [Name, Title, E-mail] === Reason for Policy === The Affiliated Team Volunteer (ATV) program supports Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NET) by fostering neighborhood resilience and...")
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Policy Title

Affiliated Team Volunteer (ATV) Policy

Policy No.

[Assign Policy Number Here]

Type of Policy


Effective Date

[Month Year]

Last Revised

[Month Year]

Policy Owner

Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM)

Policy Contact

[Name, Title, E-mail]

Reason for Policy

The Affiliated Team Volunteer (ATV) program supports Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NET) by fostering neighborhood resilience and preparedness while addressing these needs:

  • Facilitating denser neighborhood networks for NET teams.
  • Building relationships with neighbors who may become spontaneous volunteers during a disaster.
  • Providing a transitional status for active NET volunteers who wish to scale down their involvement without leaving the program entirely.

Policy Statement

Affiliated Team Volunteers (ATVs) are community members who support NET teams in their local areas but do not hold full "Active NET" status. ATVs are envisioned as supplemental resources for their NET's earthquake response framework. They are not deployed by the City of Portland, nor are they indemnified. ATVs may participate in some training, team activities, and preparedness efforts but are primarily engaged for earthquake response.


This policy applies to:

  • NET volunteers transitioning to reduced roles.
  • Community members who wish to assist NET teams without completing Basic NET training.
  • Neighborhood Emergency Teams and Team Leaders coordinating earthquake response.


Affiliated Team Volunteer (ATV)
A volunteer who supports a NET team but does not hold full "Active NET" status.
Neighborhood Emergency Team.
Volunteer Support Function (VSF)
A defined role in disaster response activities based on skills and interests.


Access and General Expectations of ATVs

  1. ATVs are not indemnified by the City of Portland and are not officially deployed by the City.
  2. ATVs must adhere to the PBEM Volunteer Code of Conduct.
  3. ATVs must affiliate with a specific NET and appear on their team roster.
  4. ATVs are encouraged but not required to log hours or attend team meetings.
  5. ATVs must confirm their status with their Team Leader twice annually.
  6. ATVs declare a primary VSF and may declare a secondary role with Team Leader approval.
  7. ATVs may access select advanced NET trainings if seats are available.
  8. ATVs are tracked in the PBEM volunteer database.
  9. ATVs are not issued NET personal protective equipment (PPE) or badges, except for specific roles like BEECN or HAM operators.

ATV Intake Process

For Former Active NET Volunteers
  • Inform the Team Leader of the intention to transition to ATV status and declare a VSF.
  • Notify PBEM via email ( for database updates.
  • Retain or return NET-issued PPE as appropriate.
For Non-NET-Trained Neighbors
  • Confirm with the local Team Leader the ability to join the roster and declare a VSF.
  • Complete the online ATV application (HERE).
  • Undergo a criminal background check.
  • Attend an orientation session with the Team Leader.



Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM)
Tracks ATVs in the volunteer database, ensures background checks, and communicates program updates.
Team Leaders
Maintain roster accuracy, guide ATVs in selecting VSFs, and provide team orientations.
Affiliated Team Volunteers (ATVs)
Engage with their NET as outlined in this policy, adhere to the Code of Conduct, and confirm status biannually.


ATVs who do not respond to Team Leader communications may be removed from the roster and PBEM database. Volunteers who violate this policy or the Code of Conduct may face dismissal from the program.

Related Information

Policy History

Revision Date
[Insert Date Here]
Portland Bureau of Emergency Management
Initial adoption of ATV policy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How will ATVs be distinguished from SUVs in an activation?

A: The SUV Coordinator will manage ATV identification, potentially using pre-issued ID bands.

Q: What roles/VSFs are suitable for ATVs?

A: Roles with "No" in the "NET/CERT req?" column of the VSF Directory are appropriate for ATVs. Training requirements apply.