Presentation Requests

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Revision as of 10:28, 27 September 2024 by GlennDevitt (talk | contribs)

Community members have well-placed confidence in NETs' knowledge and abilities, and often request presentations about emergency preparedness. This is a guide for handling various kinds of requests.

Requests for Specific Advice

  • "Where should I go after an earthquake?"
  • "Can you create our business/school/family evacuation plan?"
  • "What exactly do I need to have in my personal kit?"

These kinds of questions seek prescriptive answers, and require analysis. Providing that kind of individualized advice is not the job of NETs. (Nor anyone at PBEM.) This is not meant to be mean or lazy. It is fantastic that your neighbors have the confidence in you to ask! However, NETs are trained to do the greatest good for the greatest number under all-hazard response protocols. Your team may, of course, choose to support any plan that a business, school, or other organization develops – if you decide to make it part of your team’s ops strategy among other competing interests, and if you consider the plan to be safe, and if scene size-up determines it actually is safe during an emergency.

This also is a time to recall the fact that if you were not trained to do something by PBEM, you are not indemnified for it.’ Family reunification? Evacuation of children? Nope. Specific emergency management planning for business or school entities involved COOP (Continuity of Operations Planning). That is an entire field of expertise; see Additional Resources below. As a private entity they must make their own determinations, and assume the liability for them. You and I are not qualified to offer specific advice.

Nice Ways to Say It

Educate, Don't Dictate

Additional Resources

Be prepared, not scared! A representative of the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) will present simple, inexpensive ways to prepare for emergencies ranging from severe weather to a major earthquake. During this engaging session we will discuss making plans for home, work, and school; creating go/stay kits; storing water and food; home retrofitting; multifamily buildings; emergency sanitation; and more. You also will learn about optional volunteer opportunities to serve your neighbors during an emergency by receiving additional training from PBEM and Portland Fire & Rescue.

Delivery: Virtual or in-person

Time required: approximately 1¼ hours

Group size: Minimum 10, maximum unlimited

Location: PBEM can only accommodate requests within the City of Portland