Enrolling in NET ARO Email Communications

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Enrolling in the NET ARO Google Group

The NET Amateur Radio Community has established a Google Group that facilitates communication on regular basis. Historically this Google Group has been used for several purposes:

  • Weekly announcements giving the topics of the NET Chat Net and the NET Net each Sunday evening.
  • Announcements and other information that NET AROs think their fellow ARO will find interesting.
  • Discussion of topics relevant to the volunteer work of NET AROs.

To enroll yourself in this Google Group use the following steps:

  • Use your web browser to navigate to [https:groups.google.com groups.google.com]
  • Search for portlandnet_aro
  • Click on PortlandNET_ARO
  • Click on Join Group

Enrolling in announcements in monthly NET Simplex Exercises

The NET ARO community holds monthly simplex exercises at 7 pm on the 5th of each month. If you don't recall receiving this information recently and are interested in receiving it in the future, please drop a note to bruceschafer1@gmail.com