BEECN Journaling System

From WikiNET

In order to help ensure BEECN caches are ready for deployment at a moment's notice, PBEM asks BEECN volunteer teams to:

  • Once a month, do a visual check of their assigned BEECN cache (opening the box is not required);
  • Once a quarter, do an inventory of the BEECN cache (opening the box and confirming contents are present and functional);
  • Once a year, participate in a BEECN test. An inventory can be done concurrently with a test.

A BEECN Coordinator should not always complete these tasks. PBEM recommends a BEECN Coordinator assign these tasks to be regularly completed by their team members in rotation.

The purpose of the BEECN Journaling System is to centralize readiness monitoring of BEECN caches, which contributes to the BEECN Readiness Score and also helps PBEM address supply and security concerns. The BEECN Journaling System is powered by Smartsheet, and BEECN volunteers make inputs to it through the BEECN Journal Entry form.



BEECN Journal Entry Form: Header

Figure 1: Screenshot of the BEECN Journal Entry Form.

The first screen of the Form appears simple but has logic built into the questions that open new sets of questions depending on the type of journal a volunteer inputs (reporting a visual check, an inventory, a test result, or reporting a cache theft).

# Field Name Required? Field Type Notes
Journal Entry Header.
1 Journal Entry Radio button Use this section to indicate what type of report to make to PBEM: a visual check, an inventory, test results, an equipment theft, or (if the report does not fit into any of those categories) making a note about the BEECN.
2 Resource Name Drop-down Select the BEECN cache, fire station radio, or other resource from the drop-down menu. This is important because this step ties the journal entry to the specific BEECN resource.
3 Review Date Date The date of the observation, NOT the day the journal is inputted (unless those dates are the same).
4 Your name Text Name of the reporter in case a PBEM staffer needs to follow up with questions about the report.


BEECN Journal Entry Form: Visual Check

The first screen of the Form appears simple but has logic built into the questions that open new sets of questions depending on the type of journal a volunteer inputs (reporting a visual check, an inventory, a test result, or reporting a cache theft).

# Field Name Required? Field Type Notes
Visual Check Questions

When "Reporting a visual check" is selected on question 1, these are the questions that appear.

5 Equipment Visual Check Radio button "Looks good" or "There is a problem". If "Looks good" is selected, a message appears clearing the volunteer to submit the report.
6 Visual Check: report problem Text Selecting "There is a problem" for question Q5 opens a text box where the volunteer can type in the issue they detected and then click "Submit" to end the journal entry. If the problem is that the cache is missing, the volunteer should select "Reporting equipment theft" on Q1 and complete the form from there.


BEECN Journal Entry Form: Inventory Report

One of the benefits of using a Smart Sheet form for inventorying is that it is optimized for viewing on a smart device, like a cell phone. This means BEECN volunteers can inventory right from the field and submit their report.

# Field Name Required? Field Type Notes
Inventory Report Questions

When "Reporting an inventory" is selected on question 1, these are the questions that appear.

7 Inventory: Check the cache box Checkbox
  • If the cache is on wheels, are the tires inflated?
  • Is the cache door or lid opening and closing correctly?
  • Is the lock working well?
  • If there is a chain, is it fully intact?
8 Inventory: Check the radio

  • Does the handheld BEECN radio appear to be in good condition?
  • Are batteries cleared from the radio? If there are any batteries, please remove them and look for corrosion.
  • Are there a total of at least eight AA batteries available?
  • If you have time, load batteries into the radio and switch the radio on to verify there is power. Then, remove the batteries.
9 Inventory: Check the canopy

  • Is the canopy frame in the box?
  • Is the red canopy top in the box?
  • Are the white sidewalls in the box?
  • If you have time, deploy the canopy. Has the canopy fabric collected any mold? Are there any holes in the canopy? Is the frame in good condition?
10 Inventory: Check the binder Checkbox
  • Is there a BEECN guide in the cache?
  • Is it moldy or damaged, or are there pages missing?
11 Inventory: Support equipment Checkbox Ensure that the cache includes one each of the following items:
  • SKED (in a bright orange bag) OR one or more MegaMovers
  • Eton CRC FRX 1 Survival Radio
  • UCO Lumora LED Lantern
  • Carboard extremity splints (number?)
  • Pencil pouch with visual translator, pencils/pens, and ICS notebook
  • Roll-up dry erase sign
  • Pole antenna (which caches?)
12 Inventory: Small duffel bag Checkbox Ensure that the kit includes the following items:
  • Bandage shears (qty. 2)
  • Forceps (qty. 2)
  • Protective eyewear (qty. 4)
  • 12 oz. bottle hand sanitizer (qty. 4)
  • 12 oz. bottle cleaning agent/soap (qty. 2)
  • Duct tape (qty. 2)
  • CPR masks (qty. 4)
  • Pediatric CPR masks (qty. 2)
  • N95 masks, carton 20 count (qty. 1)
  • Infectious waste disposal bags (qty. 10)  
13 Inventory: Large duffel bag Checkbox Ensure that the kit includes the following items:
  • Disinfecting wipes (qty. 25)
  • Triple antibiotic ointment (qty. 25)
  • Feminine pads, pack 12 (qty. 2)
  • Triangular bandages (qty. 24)
  • 4" compression bandage (qty. 4)
  • 4" elastic bandage (qty. 5)
  • 4" sterile roller bandages (qty. 12)
  • Box 1" adhesive bandages (qty. 2)
  • Box 2" adhesive bandages (qty. 1)
  • Surgical tape, ½" (qty. 4)
  • Surgical tape, 1" (qty. 4)
  • Surgical tape, 2" (qty. 2)
  • Sterile bulk dressings, 5"x9", 25 count (qty. 2)
  • Sterile bulk dressings, 8"x10", 20 count (qty. 1)
  • Gauze sponges, 4"x4", 100 count (qty. 1)
  • Chemical cold packs (qty. 10)
  • Chemical hot packs (qty. 12)
  • Box non-latex exam gloves, size small (qty. 2)
  • Box non-latex exam gloves, size large (qty. 2)
  • Thermal blankets (100)
14 Inventory notes Text Please tell us if any cache equipment is missing and/or damaged. Please leave this field blank if there are no problems.
