TL Team Roster

From WikiNET

PBEM provides current Team rosters in Excel format to Team Leaders (only) upon request.

The file contains these fields:

Excel Column Header Explanation
SecondaryEmailAddress   (optional) In case the first one fails
YearsSinceVolunteerDateJoined Years since the person applied as a PBEM volunteer. They may or may not have taken training yet; see VolunteerStatus.
VolunteerStatus Applicant: The individual has completed the application form for NET and/or BEECN and not yet proceeded further. Take into consideration the preceding column, YearsSinceVolunteerDateJoined. Toward the end of 2022 PBEM plans to notify and then remove Applicants who have not moved forward within a certain time period to be determined.

In Process: These are your second-highest priority recruits to mentor! Indicates a NET Applicant who has completed the Online Preparedness Quiz which required two hours of video viewing plus a 25-question quiz. So these people have already made an investment in their training, and should be encouraged. At this stage they are eligible to sign up for in-person Basic NET Training in MyImpactPage under 'Opportunities'; they receive an email from PBEM when a class cohort is scheduled. (see NET Role > BNT Enrollee below)

Accepted: The individual is an active volunteer with a NET and/or BEECN Role (see below).

Volunteers who retire or move are not included in rosters distributed to TLs.

CF* - Neighborhood(s) - Neighborhood where you live Your Team(s)
CF - Neighborhood(s) - (Optional) Second neighborhood where you spend a lot of time, and might respond in an emergency. (optional) When people select your Team as their secondary affiliation, we do not include them in your roster. They should be contacted by their primary Team Leader. (Though of course we encourage the volunteer to contact you in addition.)
CF - Program Status - BEECN Assignment (optional) If present, the volunteer has been trained as a BEECN volunteer and is assigned to a site. [map]
CF - Skills - (Optional) Amateur Ham Radio Call Sign (optional) The volunteer's amateur radio license call sign.
Q* - NET Role
In ascending order:
Designation Description Background checked Indemnified and Deployable by PBEM Eligible for Advanced NET Trainings
[blank] Has not begun training. Should only apply when Volunteer Status = Applicant. No No No
Applicant Has applied to the program but not yet completed NET or BEECN training No No No
BNT Enrollee Has signed up for the next Basic NET Training (BNT) cohort.

These are your top priority recruits to mentor! PBEM appreciates your help on-boarding them with your Team while they are still training.

No No No

(Amateur Radio Operator - Restricted)

- Has ham license

- Has completed NET ARO training, but not Basic NET Training

Yes Yes, in limited role No

(Affiliated Team Volunteer)

Has been appointed to a role by the Team Leader, but has not completed any PBEM training (and probably does not plan to) Yes Yes, in limited role No

(BEECN Volunteer)

Trained and assigned to staff a Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node. Has not taken Basic NET Training. Yes Yes, in BEECN role Some

(Team Member)

Has completed Basic NET Training Yes Yes Yes

(Amateur Radio Operator)

- Has ham license

- Has completed Basic NET Training

- Has completed NET ARO training

Yes Yes Yes

(Assistant Team Leader)

Has completed Basic NET Training, and been appointed an ATL at the discretion of their TL. Yes Yes Yes

(Team Leader)

Has completed Basic NET Training and been elected TL by their Team. Yes Yes Yes
Q - BEECN Role
In ascending order:
Background checked Indemnified and Deployable by PBEM Eligible for Advanced NET Trainings
Interest Only Receives non-confidential BEECN updates and training invitations No No No

(BEECN Volunteer)

Assigned to a BEECN site and authorized to operate it Yes Yes Some

(Fire Station Volunteer)

Assigned to operate BEECN UHF radios at a Fire Station. Not necessarily a licensed ham operator. Yes Yes Some

(Amateur Radio Operator)

Has ham license and completed NET ARO training. Yes Yes Yes

(BEECN Coordinator Assistant)

Backup coordinator for their designated BEECN site Yes Yes Some

(BEECN Coordinator)

Primary coordinator for their designated BEECN site Yes Yes Some
HoursWorked Hours logged, lifetime. (YTD is available instead, if you need it.)
LastLoginDate The most recent date the individual logged in to the MyImpactPage system.

[blank] means they have not logged in, so have not recorded any hours that they might have served since December, 2021.

* 'CF -' is an internal designation for 'Custom Field'.

'Q -' is an internal designation for 'Qualification'.