Smartphone Apps

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The following list are recommended phone apps; as a NET, no phone app is required for NETs to carry. All of these apps are free of charge to download and use unless otherwise indicated; however, some of these apps will try to sell you enhanced access and/or ad-free subscriptions.

Recommended Apps: General

Name Notes
AirNow EPA tool to check air quality index outside.
FloodWatch Monitor river gauges.
MyShake Earthquake alerts provided in partnership with USGS ShakeAlert and CalOES.
My Impact Log into your volunteer profile from your phone and log hours!
PulsePoint Useful for medical/fire incident monitoring and alerts.
OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool Can tell you right away if the heat index is in a dangerous range.
Scanner Radio Listen to live police & fire radio
Survey123 Necessary for accessing the DAMM tool.
Wildfire Info InciWeb maps, fire weather, and fire situational reports.
Wunderground Alternative weather app. There are quite a few out there, but this one is my favorite.
X (Twitter) X/Twitter is a very useful emergency management tool. Oftentimes, information about an emergency emerges here before anywhere else.

Recommended Apps: VSF 02, Communications

VSF 2 Badge, Communications.jpg