Portland NET Tumblr

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Tag Name Notes Related tags VSF
AdvancedNET General tag; advanced NET training classes. Exercise, ScenarioVillage
Apps NET- and emergency management-relevant phone apps.
ATVs Relevant to managing Affiliated Team Volunteers. SUVs, VSF15 15
BEECN Content related to the Basic Earthquake Emergency Communications Nodes. Radio, HAM, VSF14, VSF02 02
Benefits Occasionally, NETs are offered discounts from vendors in appreciation for their service. These opportunities are listed under this tag.
BNT Topics recommended for NETs in Basic NET Training. KeyReview, FFE, Cribbing, Extinguishers
Books NET- and emergency management-relevant books. Podcast
Bridges Articles and information concerning bridges in the Portland Metro Area. Infrastructure
BusinessPrep Resources for business preparedness. COAD 18
Calldown Stats from Everbridge calldown drills. Exercise
CEI Information concerning Portland's Critical Energy Infrastructure hub. Infrastructure 10
CivilUnrest Regarding Portland relevant events only. Not a very common tag; NET probably won't be involved in civil unrest response again.
ClimateChange Concerning the nexus between disasters and climate change. Heat, Winterstorm, InclementWeather, ExtremeWeather, Flood, Drought, Resilience
Clouds Just images of interesting clouds. Ahhhhhhhhhh clouds. Relaxing, no? Lightening, GIF 05
COAD Information relevant to a Community Organizations Active in Disaster group. This tag includes VOAD matters as well. BusinessPrep 18
CompScenario "Comprehensive Scenario"; a type of exercise. Exercise, ScenarioVillage
COVID19vid During the COVID pandemic, PBEM held virtual training meetings once a week. These are videos of those meetings. Youtube
CRDjournal Concerning the convening of Community Resilience Districts.
Cribbing Describing the basic NET technique of using levers and blocks to lift a heavy object. BNT, FFE, Unit 5b, VSF09 09
Dashboard Monthly NET stats reports with demographic information and more.
Deployment Blog entries concerning NET emergency deployments. NETAAR
Drones About aerial drone use in emergency management VSF09 09
Drought Blog entries related to drought, mostly in Oregon. ClimateChange, WildlandFire, WUI
Earthquake Very general tag related to all things earthquake in the world. EarthquakeCrustal, EarthquakeCSZ, EarthquakeOther, EarthquakeTech
EarthquakeCrustal Focusing on crustal earthquake phenomena. Earthquake
EarthquakeCSZ Focusing specifically on prospective and historical Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes. Earthquake
EarthquakeOther Notable earthquake stories outside of Oregon. Earthquake
EarthquakeTech Interesting technological advances to designed to mitigate the damage caused by earthquakes. Earthquake
ECC ECC stands for "Emergency Coordination Center" and these are blog entries about them. PBEM, VSF02
Electrical Blog entries concerning electrical utilities; and, generating power post-disaster. Will be phased out in favor of a VSF12 tag. UtilityControl, Utilities 12
Equipment Posts about NET equipment. PPE, TeamCache, Vendor, ResponseKit, SKED
Equity Blog entries about the disproportionate impact disasters have on communities underserved by government. PersonsWithDisabilities
Exercise Exercises are scenarios in emergency management intended to test a capability/capabilities, and/or test responses in a specific situation. These posts are about exercises NETs are in. CompScenario, ScenarioVillage, Moulage, TeamExercise
Extinguisher NETs and the use of fire extinguishers, and blog posts about extinguishers. FFE, Cribbing, VSF04 04
FEMA Policies and announcements from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. GovFed
FFE Posts about the NET Final Field Exercise. BNT, Extinguisher, Cribbing, Exercise
Finances Blog entries about disaster finance issues such as financial prep and insurance. Preparedenss
Fire Fire that does not include wildland fires (e.g. urban fires). Will be phased out in favor of the VSF04 tag. WildlandFire, WUI, VSF04 04
FirstAid Posts about first aid: tips, gear, etc. Will be phased out in favor of the VSF09 tag. Unit 3, VSF08, Triage 08
Flood General tag about flooding anywhere, including urban pooling.
FoodWater Any blog post related to food/water prep or preservation. Will be phased out in favor of a VSF11 tag. VSF11, Infrastructure 11
FPN Posts about the NET 501(c)3, Friends of Portland NET. Fundraising
Fundraising Posts with tips on fundraising for your team. TeamCache, FPN
Funny Hard to have a sense of humor in emergency management. It's a little dark, but these are memes that made us LOL.
GasGasGas Blog posts related to natural gas leaks and gas infrastructure. Because Jumpin Jack Flash... Infrastructure, Utilities, UtilityControl 04
GIF Various animated GIFs of NET related topics. Funny, Graphic
GovFed Announcements and resources related to the federal government (not always FEMA, but FEMA is often included). FEMA
GovLocal Announcements and resources related to City of Portland, Multnomah County, or Metro Regional government. PBEM, RDPO
GovState All entries concerning the State government, particularly Oregon's Office of Emergency Management. WildlandFire, OtherCERTs
Graphic Graphics of a variety of topics related to NETs and emergency management. GIF, Funny, Maps
HAM Posts related to the use of HAM radio. Radio, BEECN 02
HAZMAT Blog entries about hazardous materials and responding to HAZMAT scenarios/incidents. Will be phased out in favor of a VSF10 tag. VSF10 10
Heat Incidents reporting on extreme heat weather. ClimateChange, Homeless, WinterStorm
History Historical articles on disasters that mostly took place in Oregon (with some exceptions).
Homeless Blog entries concerning sheltering homeless persons during inclement weather events. Generally Portland-specific. VSF06, Heat, WinterStorm 06
Hurricane Yeah hurricanes bruh. Check it out bruh. Typhoons too. InclementWeather
InclementWeather General tag for inclement weather posts (this is where you'll find windstorms, for example). Heat, WinterStorm
Infrastructure General infrastructure tag; could include water, power, gas, roads, you name it. Bridges, GasGasGas, Electrical, Utilities, UtilityControl 03
KeyNews Articles of especial importance to NET. Phased out to be combined later with the KeyReview tag. KeyReview
KeyReview Articles and information of especial importance to NET volunteers. KeyNews
Knots PBEM has scaled back the importance of knots in NET, but we still use them. Check this tag out for info on low angle rescue systems and other knotty issues. VSF06, SKED, VSF09 06
Landslide Landslide hazards in the Portland area.
Leadership Vague tag on blog entries either about the practice of leadership, or recognizing leaders in the NET community. Recognition 05
Lightening Photos, GIFs and videos of frickin LIGHTENING bruh. Yeah it's totally metal 🤘⚡ 🤘⚡ 🤘⚡ hope you can handle it GIF, InclementWeather
Looting "Looting" is a word freighted with a lot of racist meaning and is more often a myth than a reality. These are blog posts exploring that. Misinformation
Maps Links and information about mapping resources, which are particularly helpful for operations planning. Graphic
Misinformation Naturally, these are not blog entries with misinformation. These are entries concerning misinformation connected to disaster preparedness (the "Triangle of Life", for example). Looting
Mitigation Blog articles about mitigating the impact of a disaster.
Moulage Photos and technique for moulage (injury makeup). Some of these are gory, so hold on to your stomach. ScenarioVillage
NETAAR NET after-action reports from deployments. This tag will be phased out once all the AARs are migrated to NETwiki. Deployment
News Some volunteers use the Tumblr as a news blotter. These are blog articles of "current events", and is the most common tag on a blog entry.
NonRadioComms Tagged to entries about any communication method that doesn't rely on radio. This tag is a misnomer because it is tagged on some articles that use radio. Being phased out in favor of a VSF02 tag. VSF02 02
OtherCERTs Information about other CERT programs in the United States (and particularly in the Portland Metro Area). RDPO, GovState
Outreach Most often, photos about outreach events conducted by NETs or PBEM. SpeakersBureau
Pandemic Information about pandemics (this is also where you'll find COVID-related articles).
PBEM Staff announcements and major policy initiatives of the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management. GovLocal, ECC, RDPO
Permaculture Though this is not the textbook definition, "permaculture" here refers to techniques of surviving off-grid (even in an urban environment), particularly after a major disaster. For example, harvesting rainwater, raising food, etc. This is not a field we've cracked very much at PBEM/NET. Resilience
PersonsWithDisabilities Topics concerning both how to respond to persons with access and functional needs, and preparedness/response for persons with access and functional needs. VSF06, Equity 06
Pets Blog entries about pet response. Will be phased out in favor of a VSF17 tag. VSF17 17
Podcast Links to podcasts relevant to NETs and emergency management. Books
PPE Information about Personal Protective Equipment. ResponseKit, BNT, Equipment 07
Preparedness General tag concerning disaster preparedness. SpeakersBureau, Outreach
Radio All things radio: HAM, tactical communications, etc. HAM, TacticalRadio, BEECN 02
Radiological Entries concerning radiological threats (you know...radiation) Unit 8, HAZMAT 10
RDPO Tags concerning the Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization, of which PBEM is a part. The RDPO provides a lot of grant money to NET as well. OtherCERTs, PBEM, GovLocal, Fundraising
Recognition General tag to recognize champions of community resilience in Portland. We might phase this tag out in favor of the NETwiki page to recognize folks. Leadership
Recovery Blog entries specific to the topic of disaster recovery. Unit 7
Resilience Ugh, this tag. It has become a catch-all for too many topics, all at least peripherally related to community resilience.
ResponseKit Concerning best practices and items for a personal NET response kit. Equipment, PPE, BNT
SafetyOfficer Blogs tagged that would be of interest to a team Safety Officer. Not very well developed yet. PPE 05
Sanitation Blog entries about post-disaster sanitation systems. VSF03 03
ScenarioVillage Photos and information about Scenario Village exercises. Moulage, Exercise, CompScenario
Sizeup About sizing up before a search and rescue response. Will be phased out for a VSF09 tag. VSF09 09
SKED SKEDs are portable stretchers. PBEM is phasing them out, but this tag will remain for as long as we still have them. BEECN, Knots, VSF09 09
SocialMedia About the use and influence of social media in disaster response. 02
SpaceWeather Very general (and slightly inaccurate) tag for solar flares, meteors, comets, and things like that.
SpeakersBureau Information relevant to PBEM's Speakers' Bureau. Preparedness, Outreach
SUVs Blog posts about managing spontaneous unaffiliated volunteers. Will be phased out for the VSF15 tag. ATVs, VSF15 15
TacticalRadio Radio communication inside the team, particularly FRS and GMRS radio. Radio 02
TeamCache Recommendations of items for a team cache, and information on assembling a team cache. Equipment, VSF07 07
TeamExercise Blogs about exercises that NETs design themselves and are not put on by PBEM. Exercise, CompScenario
Tom11 Any video made for NET by Tom11 Films; mostly training videos. Youtube, TrainingVideo
Tornado Articles about them twisty thangs. Did you know we get them in the Pacific Northwest sometimes?
Trainers Posts featuring NET trainers. Leadership, Recognition
TrainingVideo Training videos. You know, you sit your butt down, watch 'em, sometimes take a quiz after they're done. Training videos. Tom11, Youtube, COVID19vid
Triage All matters concerning ye art of triage: tools and techniques. BNT, Unit 3, VSF08, VSF09, FirstAid 09
Unicorns Photos of the majestic unicorn.
Unit 0
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5a
Unit 5b
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Vendor Equipment, TeamCache