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== RDPO's List of Local Acronyms ==
== RDPO's List of Local Acronyms ==

Revision as of 10:04, 1 October 2023

Under construction



Frequently Used Acronyms in NET

Acronym ...Stands for Use frequency Explanation VSF
AED Automated External Defibrillator 2.) Common VSF 08: Medical
Animal MAC-G Animal Multi-Agency Coordination Group 4.) Very uncommon
ARO Amateur Radio Operator 1.) Very common VSF 02: Communications
ARRL American Radio Relay League 3.) Uncommon National association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources. VSF 02: Communications
ATC Applied Technology Council 4.) Very uncommon VSF 09: Search and Rescue
ATL NET Assistant Team Leader 1.) Very common
BCP Business Continuity Planning 3.) Uncommon
BEECN Basic Earthquake Emergency Communications Node 1.) Very common VSF 02: Communications
BOEC Bureau of Emergency Communications (Portland 911) 4.) Very uncommon
CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives 2.) Common VSF 10: Hazmat Awareness
CCWG Citizen Corps Working Group 3.) Uncommon
CERT Community Emergency Response Team 1.) Very common
CHAT Community Health Assess & Treat 3.) Uncommon A program of Portland Fire & Rescue. More information HERE.
COAD Community Organizations Active in Disaster 2.) Common
CoP City of Portland 2.) Common
COOP Continuity of Operations Plan 2.) Common
CRT Community Resilience Team 2.) Common
CSD Community Safety Division 4.) Very uncommon
CSZ Cascadia Subduction Zone 2.) Common
DAFN Disabilities, Access and Functional Needs 2.) Common
DAMM Damage Assessment Mapping Module 2.) Common
DEI Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 1.) Very common
DEMAC Disability Emergency Management Advisory Council of Oregon 4.) Very uncommon
DHS Department of Homeland Security 3.) Uncommon
DO Duty Officer 3.) Common
EAS Emergency Alert System 3.) Uncommon
ECC Emergency Coordination Center 1.) Very common All
EDU Explosive Disposal Unit 3.) Uncommon
EMS Emergency Medical Services 1.) Very Common
EMT Emergency Medical Technician 1.) Very common
EOC Emergency Operations Center 3.) Uncommon All
EOP Emergency Operations Plan 2.) Common
ESF Emergency Support Function 3.) Uncommon All
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency 1.) Very common All
FLIR Forward Looking Infared 4.) Very uncommon
FOG Field Operations Guide 2.) Common
FPN Friends of Portland NET 2.) Common All
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials 2.) Common All
IC Incident Commander 1.) Very common
ICS Incident Command System 1.) Very common All
IFAK Individual First Aid Kit 3.) Uncommon VSF 08: Medical
IPAWS Integrated Public Alert & Warning System 4.) Very uncommon
ITL Incident Team Leader 1.) Very common
JIC Joint Information Center 4.) Very uncommon
LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committees 4.) Very uncommon
MCEM Multnomah County Emergency Management 3.) Uncommon
MCP Medical Care Point 3.) Uncommon
MIP MyImpact 1.) Very common The product name of the NET volunteer database, where volunteers log their hours and sign up for deployments.
MOU Memorandum of Understanding 2.) Common
MRC Medical Reserve Corps 2.) Common
NET Neighborhood Emergency Team 1.) Very common
NIMS National Incident Management System 3.) Uncommon
OEM Oregon Office of Emergency Management 3.) Uncommon
OMF Office of Management and Finance 4.) Very uncommon
OR-VOAD Oregon Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster 3.) Uncommon
P&D Portland Printing & Distribution 3.) Uncommon
PBEM Portland Bureau of Emergency Management 1.) Very common
PBOT Portland Bureau of Transportation 3.) Uncommon Often the lead agency for winter weather emergencies.
PF&R Portland Fire & Rescue 1.) Very common
PIC Person in Charge 2.) Common Used almost exclusively in the context of mass care and shelter shifts. This is volunteer or employee leading the shift.
PIO Public Information Officer 2.) Common
POD Point of Dispensing or Distribution 2.) Common
PPB Portland Police Bureau 3.) Uncommon
PPE Personal protective equipment 1.) Very common
PSR Portland Street Response 3.) Uncommon Program began January 11, 2021.
RDPO Regional Disaster Policy Organization 2.) Common
RTL Radio Training Liaison 2.) Common VSF 02: Communications
SAR (or S&R, or S+R) Search and rescue 2.) Common
SERT Special Emergency Reaction Team 4.) Very uncommon
SERV-OR State Emergency Registry of Volunteers in Oregon 4.) Very uncommon
SHSP State Homeland Security Program 4.) Very uncommon
StB Stop the Bleed 2.) Common
SUV Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteer 1.) Very common
SV Scenario Village 3.) Uncommon
THIRA Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment 2.) Common
TL NET Team Leader 1.) Very common
TTX Tabletop Exercise 3.) Uncommon
TVF&R Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue 4.) Very uncommon
UASI Urban Area Security Initiative 3.) Uncommon
USAR or US&R Urban Search and Rescue 3.) Uncommon
VIPS Volunteers in Police Service 3.) Uncommon
VOAD Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster 3.) Uncommon
VSF Volunteer Support Function 2.) Common


Frequently Used Technical Terms in NET

Definition Use VSF
Blue Skies In emergency management, refers to routine day to day operations and ongoing services. The antonym sometimes used is "gray skies"; those days when emergency managers are responding to a crisis and in response mode. 3.) Uncommon All
Earthquake Plan
Operations Plan See: "Earthquake Plan"


RDPO's List of Emergency Management Acronyms

Acronym ...Stands for Notes
AEL Authorized Equipment List FEMA
AHIMT All-Hazards Incident Management Team
AMSC Area Maritime Security Committee
ATC Air Traffic Control
BCP Business Continuity Planning
CBO Community Based Organization
CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive
CERT Community Emergency Response Team
CI/KR Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources
CMS Centers for Medicaid/Medicare Services
COG Continuity of Government
COOP Continuity of Operations Plan
COPLINK Advanced Crime Analytics Platform Organizes vast quantities of seemingly unrelated data to provide tactical, strategic, and command-level users with access to shared data in single or multiple consolidated repositories.
DAFN Disabilities, Access and Functional Needs
DEI Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DHS Department of Human Services
DO Duty Officer
DWG Discipline Work Group
EAS Emergency Alert System
ECC Emergency Coordination Center
EDU Explosive Disposal Unit
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EMT Emergency Medical Technician
EOC Emergency Operation Center
EOP Emergency Operations Plan
EPI Emergency Preparedness Information
ESB Enterprise Services Bus
ETR Emergency Transportation Route
EWDS Emergency Watch Distribution System
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FLIR Forward Looking Infra Red Thermal imaging device company
FOC FEMA Operations Center
FOG Field Operations Guide
HPP Hospital Preparedness Program
HSIN Homeland Security Information Network
IC Incident Command / Incident Commander
ICS Incident Command System
IED Improvised Expolosive Device
IPAWS Integrated Public Alert & Warning System
ITS Information/Technological Services
JIC Joint Information Center
JIS Joint Information System
JPACT Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation
LAA Lead Administrative Agency
LEP Limited English Proficiency
MAA Mutual Aid Agreement
MAC Multi-Agency Coordination
MAC Con Ops Multi-Agency Coordination Concept of Operations
MCP Medical Care Point
MEDU metropolitan explosive disposal unit
MFI Mass fatality incident or MCI: mass casuality incident
MOUs Memorandum of Understanding
MRC Medical Reserve Corps
NIMS National Incident Management System
NTOA National Tactical Officers Association
PIC Public Inquiry Center
PIO Public Information Officer
POC Point of Contact
POD Point of Dispensing or Distribution
PPE Personal protective equipment
PSA Public Service Announcement
PSAP Public Safety Answering Points
RFP Request for Proposals
SAA State Administrative Agency
SAP Safety Assessment Program
SCAP Safety-Net Clinics Acting to Prepare
SERT State Emergency Response Team
SLA Service Level Agreement
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SPR Stakeholder Preparedness Review
SUV Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteer
SWAG Stranded Worker Agreement
SWG Standing Work Group
TF Task Force
THIRA Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
TIC Tactical Interoperable Communications
TITAN Terrorism Information Threat Assessment Network
TTX Tabletop exercise
UA Urban Area
UASI Urban Area Security Initiative
UAWG Urban Area Working Group
USAR Urban Search and Rescue or US&R
VIPS Volunteers in Police Service
WEA Wireless Emergency Alerts


RDPO's List of Local Acronyms


Acronym ...Stands for Notes
Animal MAC-G Animal Multi-Agency Coordination Group (RDPO)
AOC Association of Oregon Counties
BEECN Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node
BOEC Bureau of Emergency Communications (Portland 911)
CCHC Coalition of Community Health Clinics
CCOM Clackamas Communications
CCWG Citizen Corps Work Group (RDPO)
CEI Hub Critical Energy Infrastructure (in NW Portland)
COAD Community Organizations Active in Disaster
CRESA Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency
DEMAC Disability Emergency Management Advisory Council of Oregon
DMWG Disaster Messaging Work Group (RDPO)
DRC Disaster Resource Center Term used by MultCo and others instead of "shelter"
EAWWG Emergency Alert and Warning Work Group (RDPO)
EOCTES EOC Training & Exercises Subcommittee of REMTEC (RDPO) Might still see as EOCTS because was recently changed in 2021.
Fire/EMS WG Fire and EMS Workgroup (RDPO)
HAN Health Alert Network Connects hospitals, clinics, laboratories, public safety, EMS and many other public health partners via secure web applications that facilitate information sharing throughout Oregon and SW Washington.
HOSCAP Hospital Capacity Oregon's hospital capacity web system, which allows health care and emergency preparedness partners to share real time status data.
HPO Health Preparedness Organization Sometimes referred to as NWHPO
JVIC Joint Volunteer Information Center
LEWG Law Enforcement Work Group (RDPO)
LOC League of Oregon Cities
LOCOM Lake Oswego Communications
MAST Metropolitan Air Support Team
MCEM Multnomah County Emergency Management
MESD Multnomah Education Service District
Mit/Rec Mitigation and Recovery Subcommittee of REMTEC (RDPO)
NET Neighborhood Emergency Team (Portland's CERT)
NWHPO Northwest Health Preparedness Organization Sometimes simplified to HPO
NWRESD Northwest Regional Education Service District
OACP Oregon Association Chiefs of Police
ODF Oregon Department of Forestry
ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation
OEMA Oregon Emergency Management Association
OEM Oregon Office of Emergency Management
OERS Oregon Emergency Response System
OHA Oregon Health Authority
OR-VOAD Oregon Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
OSFM Oregon State Fire Marshall
OSP Oregon State Police
OSSA Oregon State Sheriff's Association
OSSPAC Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission
OTFC Oregon TITAN Fusion Center
PBEM Portland Bureau of Emergency Management
PC Policy Committee (RDPO)
PDCC Portland Dispatch Communitions Constortium (RDPO) 911 centers
PF&R Portland Fire & Rescue
PHWG Public Health Work Group (RDPO)
PIO-WG Public Information Officers Work Group (RDPO)
PMR Portland Metropolitan Region
POEM Portland Office of Emergency Management Former name of PBEM
PrC Program Committee (RDPO)
PUA Portland Urban Area
PUAHSS Portland Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy
PWWG Public Works Work Group (RDPO)
RDPO Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization
REMG Regional Emergency Management Group
REMTEC Regional Emergency Management Technical Committee (RDPO) Emergency Managers Work Group
RFP Request for Proposals
RMACS Regional Multi-Agency Coordination System (RDPO)
RMC Resource Management (sub) Committee of REMTEC (RDPO)
RUG Regional Users Group (WebEOC)
RWPC Regional Water Providers Consortium
SC Steering Committee (RDPO)
SERV-OR State Emergency Registry of Volunteers in Oregon
WASABE Washington State Annual Biological Exercise
WCCCA Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency
WCSO Washington County Sheriff's Office