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(Created the NETCamp how-to guide page)
(created initial mess of content but at least something is here!)
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This page will hold content about what NETCamp is, and how to plan, coordinate, and run the event.
This page is under construction and is not very useable yet! Thank you for your patience.
''Amanda Westervelt 20230528''
# Vision Meeting (November)
# Venue Contract (Nov/Dec/Jan)
# Planning Committee Individual and Sub-Committee Roles
# PBEM Liaison(s) - one or more PBEM employees who provide Bureau support regarding, among other things:
## Budget
## Instructor approval
## Training topic approval for new or otherwise boundary-pushing training
## Vendor coordination for, among other things:
### Busses
### Interpreters
### Translation Services
### Instructor payment
## Supply provisions, such as
### Staff vests,
### Pop-up shelters,
### First aid kits and injury report forms,
### Interpreter headsets,
### Projectors / screens,
### NET banners,
### Rescue Randy,
### Sked,
### NET flag
## Program support
## Event publicity
# Event Coordinator - this is the person ultimately responsible for, among other things:
## Performing all duties not otherwise assigned or being performed by planning committee members
## Serving as the point of contact between the planning committee and PBEM
## Serving as the point of contact between the planning committee and the venue contact
## Facilitating all event planning and providing leadership and guidance
## Setting and leading planning committee meetings
## Facilitate the creation of a schedule for the planning process including
### site visits
### registration
### meal plan sign-up (if food is offered)
### class sign-up
## Supporting and resourcing the planning committee
## Ensuring the proper handling of finances
## Ensuring the safety of all staff and attendees
## Facilitating planning committee decision-making and conflict resolution
## Being the recipient and manager of attendee, staff, and instructor complaints and concerns
### Providing any immediate response as needed
### Preservation of these for the after action report (AAR)
### Escalation as needed to PBEM NET staff
## Enforcing NET program and venue rules
# Safety Officer(s) - during planning phase need only one of these. At camp need at least two (taking turns being on duty)
## Should have at minimum current first aid / CPR / AED training
## Know and be ready to implement the Evacuation Plan using NETSquads
## Be prepared to provide and coordinate any first aid needed during the event
## Know the process for calling EMS, police, or the fire department to the venue if needed
## Know where the venue AED, fire extinguishers, campfire buckets and shovels, and first aid equipment is stored
## Monitor the emergency and TAC channels at the event
## Review any COVID or other current pandemic or health concern requirements / contingency planning
## Know fire danger status and help enforce and related open flame limitations
## Coordinate with PBEM on-site staff and injured person to complete any incident report if an injury occurs
## Other as needed
#  Public Information Officer (optional)
## Assist in dissemination of NETCamp information
## Pace release and methods of release of event information to maximize interest and engagement
### Among Portland NETs
### Among regional CERT
### With OEM, FEMA, and WA CERT; others as interest is present
## Assist/advise those writing event blurbs with content creation and dissemination
# Equity & Inclusion Officer
## Maintain awareness of and help direct dissemination of event info to reach all potential attendees
## Maintain awareness of and ensure access to the event for all potential attendees. Considerations include
### Welcoming all gender identities
### Welcoming all ethnic and cultural identities
### Language barriers and access
### Access for people experiencing hearing or visual impairment
### Access for people experiencing physical disability
### Consideration for folks who need to bring CPAP machines
### Assistance for those needing refrigeration for medication
### Accommodation and parking space assignment for attendees needing to sleep in their own campers due to health conditions or disability
### And other
# Monthly Planning Committee Meetings  Purpose: To touch base, make sure everyone as situational awareness, nothing is slipping through the cracks, and any developments or issues are addressed
# As-needed, pre-event Sub-Committee Meetings
## Budget Coordinator
## Registration Team
### Registration Form creation
#### Photo release
#### Email address release to instructors
#### Decide if meal plan opt-in and/or payment happens here
### Registration collection and management
### Registration fee collection and tracking
### Accommodation assignment and tracking
### Registration confirmation email
#### Map of venue
#### Driving directions to venue
### Communication with / responding to inquiries from attendees, etc
#### Pre-event emails
##### 10 days out
###### Packing list
###### General information
##### 3 days out
###### Weather
######  Fire Status and related fire restrictions / cooking equipment allowed
######  Any last-minute class cancellations / event changes
## Meal Coordination Team
### Meal planning
### Meal plan sign-up (opt. coordination with registration)
### Kitchen work scheduling & certification
### Grocery shopping
### Cooking coordination
### Dishwashing and clean-up coordination
## Training Coordination Team
### Class Selection
### Instructor selection and coordination
### Scheduling and Session Gridding
### Enrollment coordination
## Website Manager
### Update information on the website such as
#### Event date and location
#### Timing of registration, etc.
#### Notice when accommodation options fill
#### Etc.
### Create payment portal, coordinating with Friends of Portland NET
### Activate registration form, meal sign-up, and class sign-up pages and links when it's time
### Etc.
## Exercise Coordinator
### Plan Sunday’s exercise
#### Design scenario
#### Determine exercise type
##### Station based - rotation type
##### Team based - deployment type
##### Something else
#### Prepare Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) including any injects
### Schedule and prepare exercise staff / instructors
#### At least one safety officer
#### Instructors / leaders for any stations
### Lead exercise
#### Prepare any documentation for players
#### Run introduction
#### Run hotwash
## NETSquad Coordinator / Radio Coordinator
### Create ICS 205 communications plan
#### For the event including emergency and TAC channels for staff
#### For NETSquads assigning a FRS/GMRS channel to each
### Plan NETSquad radio exercise schedule including Personnel Accountability Report (PAR) checks
### NETSquad assignment of registrants
#### Considering attendance duration so teams don't add or lose members
#### Considering language accommodations, if appropriate
## Headquarter Staff
### Sign-in forms
### Parking Placards
# 2.      Registration packets
# 3.      accommodations and guides to location
# 4.      name tags
# 5.      medication fridge info
# 6.      Food storage info
# 7.      
#                                                            ii.     Sign-out
#                                                          iii.     Customer Service
#                                                          iv.     Radio Lending & battery replacement
#                                                            v.     Tent Lending
# b.      Training Coordination
#                                                              i.     Managing cancelled classes and registrant class shifts
#                                                            ii.     Supply distribution to instructors
#                                                          iii.     Instructor welcoming and guiding to class locations
#                                                          iv.     General instructor and student support
#                                                            v.     Distribution of student enrollment lists and sign-in sheets
#                                                          vi.     Technical Support
# 1.      Set-up and testing
# 2.      Instructor assistance and problem-solving
# c.      Exercise Coordinator
#                                                              i.     Lead exercise
#                                                            ii.     Lead hot wash
# d.      Meal Coordinator / Kitchen Boss
# e.      Radio Coordinator
#                                                              i.     NETSquad leadership
#                                                            ii.     Monitoring emergency and staff channels

Revision as of 20:00, 28 May 2023

This page is under construction and is not very useable yet! Thank you for your patience.

Amanda Westervelt 20230528




  1. Vision Meeting (November)
  2. Venue Contract (Nov/Dec/Jan)
  3. Planning Committee Individual and Sub-Committee Roles
  4. PBEM Liaison(s) - one or more PBEM employees who provide Bureau support regarding, among other things:
    1. Budget
    2. Instructor approval
    3. Training topic approval for new or otherwise boundary-pushing training
    4. Vendor coordination for, among other things:
      1. Busses
      2. Interpreters
      3. Translation Services
      4. Instructor payment
    5. Supply provisions, such as
      1. Staff vests,
      2. Pop-up shelters,
      3. First aid kits and injury report forms,
      4. Interpreter headsets,
      5. Projectors / screens,
      6. NET banners,
      7. Rescue Randy,
      8. Sked,
      9. NET flag
    6. Program support
    7. Event publicity
  5. Event Coordinator - this is the person ultimately responsible for, among other things:
    1. Performing all duties not otherwise assigned or being performed by planning committee members
    2. Serving as the point of contact between the planning committee and PBEM
    3. Serving as the point of contact between the planning committee and the venue contact
    4. Facilitating all event planning and providing leadership and guidance
    5. Setting and leading planning committee meetings
    6. Facilitate the creation of a schedule for the planning process including
      1. site visits
      2. registration
      3. meal plan sign-up (if food is offered)
      4. class sign-up
    7. Supporting and resourcing the planning committee
    8. Ensuring the proper handling of finances
    9. Ensuring the safety of all staff and attendees
    10. Facilitating planning committee decision-making and conflict resolution
    11. Being the recipient and manager of attendee, staff, and instructor complaints and concerns
      1. Providing any immediate response as needed
      2. Preservation of these for the after action report (AAR)
      3. Escalation as needed to PBEM NET staff
    12. Enforcing NET program and venue rules
  6. Safety Officer(s) - during planning phase need only one of these. At camp need at least two (taking turns being on duty)
    1. Should have at minimum current first aid / CPR / AED training
    2. Know and be ready to implement the Evacuation Plan using NETSquads
    3. Be prepared to provide and coordinate any first aid needed during the event
    4. Know the process for calling EMS, police, or the fire department to the venue if needed
    5. Know where the venue AED, fire extinguishers, campfire buckets and shovels, and first aid equipment is stored
    6. Monitor the emergency and TAC channels at the event
    7. Review any COVID or other current pandemic or health concern requirements / contingency planning
    8. Know fire danger status and help enforce and related open flame limitations
    9. Coordinate with PBEM on-site staff and injured person to complete any incident report if an injury occurs
    10. Other as needed
  7.  Public Information Officer (optional)
    1. Assist in dissemination of NETCamp information
    2. Pace release and methods of release of event information to maximize interest and engagement
      1. Among Portland NETs
      2. Among regional CERT
      3. With OEM, FEMA, and WA CERT; others as interest is present
    3. Assist/advise those writing event blurbs with content creation and dissemination
  8. Equity & Inclusion Officer
    1. Maintain awareness of and help direct dissemination of event info to reach all potential attendees
    2. Maintain awareness of and ensure access to the event for all potential attendees. Considerations include
      1. Welcoming all gender identities
      2. Welcoming all ethnic and cultural identities
      3. Language barriers and access
      4. Access for people experiencing hearing or visual impairment
      5. Access for people experiencing physical disability
      6. Consideration for folks who need to bring CPAP machines
      7. Assistance for those needing refrigeration for medication
      8. Accommodation and parking space assignment for attendees needing to sleep in their own campers due to health conditions or disability
      9. And other
  1. Monthly Planning Committee Meetings Purpose: To touch base, make sure everyone as situational awareness, nothing is slipping through the cracks, and any developments or issues are addressed
  2. As-needed, pre-event Sub-Committee Meetings
    1. Budget Coordinator
    2. Registration Team
      1. Registration Form creation
        1. Photo release
        2. Email address release to instructors
        3. Decide if meal plan opt-in and/or payment happens here
      2. Registration collection and management
      3. Registration fee collection and tracking
      4. Accommodation assignment and tracking
      5. Registration confirmation email
        1. Map of venue
        2. Driving directions to venue
      6. Communication with / responding to inquiries from attendees, etc
        1. Pre-event emails
          1. 10 days out
            1. Packing list
            2. General information
          2. 3 days out
            1. Weather
            2.  Fire Status and related fire restrictions / cooking equipment allowed
            3.  Any last-minute class cancellations / event changes
    3. Meal Coordination Team
      1. Meal planning
      2. Meal plan sign-up (opt. coordination with registration)
      3. Kitchen work scheduling & certification
      4. Grocery shopping
      5. Cooking coordination
      6. Dishwashing and clean-up coordination
    4. Training Coordination Team
      1. Class Selection
      2. Instructor selection and coordination
      3. Scheduling and Session Gridding
      4. Enrollment coordination
    5. Website Manager
      1. Update information on the website such as
        1. Event date and location
        2. Timing of registration, etc.
        3. Notice when accommodation options fill
        4. Etc.
      2. Create payment portal, coordinating with Friends of Portland NET
      3. Activate registration form, meal sign-up, and class sign-up pages and links when it's time
      4. Etc.
    6. Exercise Coordinator
      1. Plan Sunday’s exercise
        1. Design scenario
        2. Determine exercise type
          1. Station based - rotation type
          2. Team based - deployment type
          3. Something else
        3. Prepare Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) including any injects
      2. Schedule and prepare exercise staff / instructors
        1. At least one safety officer
        2. Instructors / leaders for any stations
      3. Lead exercise
        1. Prepare any documentation for players
        2. Run introduction
        3. Run hotwash
    7. NETSquad Coordinator / Radio Coordinator
      1. Create ICS 205 communications plan
        1. For the event including emergency and TAC channels for staff
        2. For NETSquads assigning a FRS/GMRS channel to each
      2. Plan NETSquad radio exercise schedule including Personnel Accountability Report (PAR) checks
      3. NETSquad assignment of registrants
        1. Considering attendance duration so teams don't add or lose members
        2. Considering language accommodations, if appropriate
    8. Headquarter Staff
      1. Sign-in forms
      2. Parking Placards
  1. 2.      Registration packets
  2. 3.      accommodations and guides to location
  3. 4.      name tags
  4. 5.      medication fridge info
  5. 6.      Food storage info
  6. 7.      
  7.                                                            ii.     Sign-out
  8.                                                          iii.     Customer Service
  9.                                                          iv.     Radio Lending & battery replacement
  10.                                                            v.     Tent Lending
  11. b.      Training Coordination
  12.                                                              i.     Managing cancelled classes and registrant class shifts
  13.                                                            ii.     Supply distribution to instructors
  14.                                                          iii.     Instructor welcoming and guiding to class locations
  15.                                                          iv.     General instructor and student support
  16.                                                            v.     Distribution of student enrollment lists and sign-in sheets
  17.                                                          vi.     Technical Support
  18. 1.      Set-up and testing
  19. 2.      Instructor assistance and problem-solving
  20. c.      Exercise Coordinator
  21.                                                              i.     Lead exercise
  22.                                                            ii.     Lead hot wash
  23. d.      Meal Coordinator / Kitchen Boss
  24. e.      Radio Coordinator
  25.                                                              i.     NETSquad leadership
  26.                                                            ii.     Monitoring emergency and staff channels